1022 - Machine

Time Limit: 2s Memory Limit: 256MB

Submissions: 498 Solved: 60
An engineer needs to schedule a machine to run on some given periods $1, \dots, n$ to produce a chemical product $\mathcal{C}$. 
Each period $i$ is represented by a starting time point $s_i$ and terminating time point $t_i$ ($s_i < t_i$).
Due to a technical constraint, the machine must run on exactly two periods that are not overlap (two periods $i$ and $j$ are not overlap if $t_i < s_j$ or $t_j < s_i$).
If the machine is runned on the period $i$, then the amount of $\mathcal{C}$ it will produce is equal to the duration of the period $i$ (which is equal to $t_i-s_i$).
Help the engineer to select two not-overlap periods to run the machine such that the amount of $\mathcal{C}$ produced is maximal.


The input consists the following lines:
	\item Line 1: contains the positive integer $n$ ($2\leq n\leq 10^6$)
	\item Line $i+1$: contains two positive integer $s_i$ and $t_i$ ($1\leq s_i<t_i\leq 10^6$)


The output consists of only one single integer which is the amount of product $\mathcal{C}$ the machine will produce in the two selected periods. In case there is no solution (there does not exist two periods that are not overlap), the output contains the value -1.


Sample Input
8 12
6 11
3 9
2 5
1 4
Sample Output
The machine will be runned on two periods [2, 5] and [6, 11] and produce 8 unit of product $\mathcal{C}$.