1016 - Container 2D

Time Limit: 1s Memory Limit: 512MB

Submissions: 254 Solved: 72

There is a container having horizontal size W and vertical size H. There are N rectangle items 1, 2, ..., N in which item i has horizontal size wi and vertical size hi. Find the way to place these N items into the container such that:

  • The sides of items are packed in parallel with the sides of the container;
  • The items cannot rotated;
  • No two items overlap.



The input consists of following lines:

Line 1: contains two integer H and W (1≤ H,W≤ 30)

Line 2: contains N (1≤ N≤ 12)

Line i+2 (i=1,2,...,N): contains two integers hi and wi


The output contains a unique number 0 (if we cannot place items) or 1 (if we can place items).

Sample Input
6 4
2 3
6 1
4 3
Sample Output